Thought punk was a thing of the past? Did you think that punk and fun don’t fit? Think again, because Cockney John has set out on a zany mission to prove you wrong.
Day three and I can’t stop listening to this music. Cockney John’s brand of fun punk is addictive to the limit. Yet to be released (official release date is 23. May), this album has put me under it’s spell. Nothing subtle about any of these songs, just plain fun, as loud and as brash as it comes!
This album is rated as “explicit” – but it’s difficult to say really, because half of the time, I really don’t have a clue what is going on. There’s so much jibberish, brabbling, cooing and incoherent and strange noises, that it really is difficult to follow the plot. Certainly “Sexatary”, “Sexy Boy” and “All Stitched Up” have the potential to be naughty, but who knows? Be warned anyway – just in case.
Let’s take “Tokyo” as an example. There are so many unidentified noises going on behind the music, which resemble some warped attempt to maybe resemble karate fights I do wonder how they are going to reproduce that on stage. All sounds very Japanese to me 😉
And if you have ever wondered what a mixture of calypso and punk sounds like, then give “Brazil” a good listening to – forget the debut single “How Many times”, this song has the potential to be the Summer Hit of 2013!.
Tips: 3 for A Quid, Sexatary, Filthy Rich, Tokyo, Brazil
Although I am certain that Cockney John is probably stark raving mad, there’s a kind of manic genius in this CD that makes it irresistable. And thats as good a recommendation as it gets … 5 stars from me!
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Watch out for more crazy things from Cockney John.