Here then are the results of the 2005 Diamond Stylus Awards. As you can tell from the categories (from Best Snert Buster to King And Queen Of The Oldies Room Prom), this was meant to be taken tongue-in-cheek. To the best of my knowledge, this was the last that these awards were presented. Maybe they can be revived in years to come?
Get ready for the results of The Diamond Stylus Awards 2001 and 2002 coming soon! There are many names on these lists that you haven’t seen for a long time!
Which Roomie would you ask if you needed information about an oldies song?
Which Roomie is the friendliest?
Which Roomie brightens the room when he/she comes in?
Which Roomie possesses the best sense of humor
Which Roomie refocuses the room when we get off track?
Which Roomie would you most like to meet in person?
Which Roomie would be the first to come to your rescue?
Which Roomie do you go into the room just because he/she is there?
Which Roomie’s life story would you like to see on A&E biography?
Which Roomie would you pick to introduce your favorite band?
Roomie who most shares your taste in music
Roomie of whom you watch every post so as not to miss what he/she is saying
Roomie who is almost always in the room when you come in
Roomie who is most deserving of a community service award
Favorite New Roomie
Roomie you would most want to introduce to your family
Roomie who is the most kind hearted
Roomie who doesn’t come into the oldies room anymore, who you miss the most
Roomie who best eases tension in the room
King and Queen of the Oldies Room Prom
Roomie you would like to see on an AOL commercial
Best snert buster
Most Original Screenname
Roomie who you would confide in
Roomie who makes you smile 🙂
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