I have been around the chatroom now for about 2 years. My name is Eric and I live in Cocoa Beach, Florida. I am an assistant produce manager and hopefully I will be up for a promotion in early 2006. I am single but I do live with 2 KISS Lava Lamps. My favorite groups/acts are Clapton, Doors, Aerosmith, U2, David Bowie, Elvis Presley, Led Zeppelin, the Stones, The Beatles and KISS.

I am the only one who came over from TJBEATLEFAN’s Radio Show first. I was dragged, kicking and screaming across the hall to the Oldies Room. GL1MMERTW1NS was the first one I talked to. It was from an Email I wrote to the YAHOO Rolling Stones message board. (Top ten songs that no one knows or something like that). I thought Michelle was a guy the first few time we chatted in IM and that he/she LOL lived in Fort Lauderdale. She convinced me after a few weeks to come into the LEGENDS room. I didn’t really relate to anything till HUGYFEST2004…when I realized I wanted to go and was upset at myself for not going. I had to wait 10 long months before I met anyone.
I have been to three parties now all in 2005 TEXFEST HUGYFEST ROCSBBQ and I plan on doing the Trifecta again in 2006.
I come in at all times of the day and as often as possible. I never used to check who was in the room in the past before entering but fights have gotten so bad in the last few months and me not being able to sit still while someone makes a pithy comment directed at someone I consider a friend, I check. My favorite moments are talking about the parties I went to, in the following weeks after the event. Other highlights for me are,
MARK rating the songs in Tim’s room.
SONNIEBUGS telling us about the Titanic exhibit.
Wondering what the hell
(((((((((((((ERIC)))))))))))))))) meant.
Me relating that I though that LMAO meant Lick Me All Over.
The Wegman’s jokes.
The shock of hugging guys.
CHEV trying to stump me on KISS Lyrics. Being a pervert in general.

Being the Official Unofficial count downer to roomie Get togethers.
I honestly can’t wait to the 3 FESTS and TIM’s radio Show is the cornerstone of my social life.
Friends I have met? You have to be kidding !
Here is a list of roomies with one comment and in no particular order.
GL1MMERTW1NS I have to thank her for letting me into the group.
GOHAWKSGO Kind. Quiet, Funny all the things he isn’t in the chat room !!!!! hehe
EDNA102675 Very witty and sweet
REVOLVER1266 coolest person on the planet maybe ?
TACT VS SARCASM makes green fingernail polish look good on a man
LYLELADY cool, just don’t let her drive
HUGYBEAR45 a great gentle soul who let the room grow along with his fest.
ROCNSTEVE the founder of room gatherings, and a great soul as well
JANSADICTION so secretive, but I like it that way, plus a real sweetie
SONICBBQ4 my music brother (at least The Stones and Beatles)
TJBEATLEFAN A great guy.. kills me whenever I see him.
CHEVELLE69X We will always have the Pennsylvania deliverance beer episode
CARRINGTON417 Keeps the room age average low… and a real sweetie
GRAYSONOFDHILLS one of the funniest guys in the room
PENNYLANEANDPAUL a cool couple who gave us a cool weekend that I will never forget.
BRITINLVR Very smart and sweet
MSCHOBLUE alias fernboy… hope to meet him again in Texas
SECRETGARDEN very quiet and funny
BADATTRIVIA funny…one of those that I would like to meet
BOOTSCOOTLARRY he better wake up early in the norning to get me on baseball trivia…hehehe
CARPENTER26 nice guy who managed to scare the crap out of me at the Long Beach Airport
DANGLE526 she is of course the Mamietollah of Rockarollah
RVB442 A hall of famer in life and in the chat room
FLWERCHILD68 my muse for the Wegmanns jokes..and a sweetheart
JAZZYSMOM421 my co-navigator to HUGY’s house. just like her sister nothing but trouble hehehe
JEWELEDSKYZ needs to come out and play with the roomies
KCUSHGRRRR one of the Newbies that the room needs to get it going stronger than ever
REDHED1009 A true roomie legend who I would like to meet someday
TORCH4271948 … see REDHED
TNAMARIE needs to talk more and let people,know how cool she really is.
ZOOT ROXZ glad to see him back…one funny guy
TERRIELEE518 makes me meowwwwwwwww
WACKIJACKIBABY really lives up to her name
FLEETWOODGIRL a southern belle
and EMGRUBE1970 longwinded and boring
I mean nothing if I omitted your name.
I think going forward we all need to let the new people come in and prosper..don’t attack everyone as snerts as they make their first visit to the room. What makes a room great is growth.
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