King King – Blues Award winner from Glasgow

One band being talked about in the UK, and soon in the rest of the world, is King King. With their brand of blues rock, they are looking for international success.

It has been argued (unfortunately I can’t remember by whom), and rather wistfully I imagine, that the music business is rather difficult. No-one would buy a car with 30 year old technology in it, but this rule doesn’t work for music. Although I might contest the accuracy of what he said at least as far as cars is concerned, what he was trying to say is perfectly clear: You can’t get Oldies interested in modern music. And while you will never get me to listen to Hip Hop, Rap or Techno for that matter, it doesn’t mean that I do not look around for good music being performed today. Because there’s lot’s of it to be found.

A good example is the Scottish band from Glasgow “King King”, who won the British Blues Award 2012 in the categories “Best Band” and “Best Album”, and well deserved. King King play a melodic, but raunchy Blues/Rock/Pop sometimes reminiscent of Bad Company. In an interview with Canadian “Musiclegends”, vocalist and lead guitar Alan Nimmo names Free and Bad Company as well as early Whitesnake as his influences

On the tracks Heavy Load (written by Andy Frazer and Paul Rodgers in fact) and Coming Home (Rest your Eyes), the influence is most clear but they have found their own style. Their interpretation of Frankie Miller’s “Jealousy” is first class but the top track on the album is their own production “Long History of Love”, a more than 7 minute opus, with a top guitar break.

One reviewer on said “if you don’t know King King, give it a chance”. I didn’t know them, gave them a chance and have been rewarded wth finest music. Onlookers think that King King can go “all the way” – I will not argue with that sentiment.

King King are Alan Nimmo – Guitar/Vocals, Lindsay Coulson – Bass, Bennett Holland – Keyboards, Wayne Proctor – Drums

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