
I have been in the room since New Years day 1999. I live in West Palm Beach, Florida. I am married, A U.S. NAVY Vet and I grew up in the St. Louis, Missouri area. I am a logistics manager for a courier company and part owner of a DJ company. I have 2 kids from 2 marriages. My favorite music is Classic Rock of the 70s like Kansas, Bad Company and Journey to name a few.

I have never been to a party like HUGYS but have been to a few gatherings
I am proud of the Diamond Stylus Awards and one of my favorite times in the chat room was when we would goof with song titles such as egg as in Ain’t Too Proud to Egg.
I miss some of the old roomies who have left. The people I have met in person have been great.

I have one more thing to say. Quit the bickering and please leave the Politics out of the room. Most everyone knows I am a conservative and I am not going to sit quiet when someone starts bashing the President. I would prefer that we leave Politics totally out of the Chatroom.

MOBIL’s Diamond Stylus Awards are one of the major yearly events in the early days of the chatroom that helped create the early “feel” of the room. LYLELADY with the approval of MOBIL brought the awards back this year to a major success. ~GOHAWKSGO

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