Wurzels, The – Combine Harvester

Todays musicians are a British Scrumpy and Western band. The Somerset-based band is best known by many people for their 1976 number one hit (todays choice) and number three hit “I Am A Cider Drinker” based on the song Una Paloma Blanca, but have a history stretching over 40 years, and still perform to this day. Their particular “genre” of music was named Scrumpy and Western after the group’s first EP of the same name, issued early in 1967. Scrumpy is a name given to traditional Somerset cider, popular amongst the band and their fans, and frequently referred to in their songs.

Tis no wonder that this band has never been featured before …

The Wurzels – Combine Harvester was presented by Dave on July 12th 2011


Views: 16


  1. JDWhite
    13. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  2. alan n.
    13. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  3. Hil
    13. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  4. Sev
    14. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  5. Sharon K
    14. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  6. Phizz
    15. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  7. Amy
    15. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  8. Mavourneen
    15. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  9. Cheryl
    15. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  10. Lyletoad
    15. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011
  11. Sharon
    15. July 2011
    • Dave
      15. July 2011

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