Todays musicians are a British Scrumpy and Western band. The Somerset-based band is best known by many people for their 1976 number one hit (todays choice) and number three hit “I Am A Cider Drinker” based on the song Una Paloma Blanca, but have a history stretching over 40 years, and still perform to this day. Their particular “genre” of music was named Scrumpy and Western after the group’s first EP of the same name, issued early in 1967. Scrumpy is a name given to traditional Somerset cider, popular amongst the band and their fans, and frequently referred to in their songs.
Tis no wonder that this band has never been featured before …
The Wurzels – Combine Harvester was presented by Dave on July 12th 2011
Views: 16
If AOL don’t love ya no more, no worries as long as
they don’t love ya no LESS! LOL.
Happy b-day, Marv.
Oh, yeah, the song! Don’t know it!
All-Night Party
Candidate for President
Ita alright for you to say that JD, but I dont like being unloved
Despite the wit, and not knowing the song you get kudos for coming in first …
wurzels, ive got a brand new combine harvester…..ugh !!!!!!!! I don’t agree with the five choices for either band…….I mean, Brown Sugar has got to be one of the greatest rock and roll records ever done…and to list two ballads???????? by the way, neither one belongs there….the stones are the greatest rock and roll band in the world, and are not a ballad band by any means. I know A Day in the Life is a perennial critic’s choice, but for me, to take two songs that were never completed and throw them together into one, and add some electronic mumble jumble, isn’t half the craftsmanship it takes to write a song like Martha My Dear or She Loves You or Got To Get You Into My Life or Taxman or the greatest example of how two geniuses can get together with a simple idea and come up with an anthem, With A Little Help From My Friends. There’s five for you. For the Stones, a little harder, but Keith wrote probably 20 of the greatest guitar riffs in rock and roll, so there’s a good starting point, like Brown Sugar and Bitch…I would go with You Can’t Always Get What You Want, and It’s Only Rock and Roll and HonkyTonk Woman. There’s another five. Sympathy for the Devil is just a great song, loaded with intelligence (in the same way Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire is a great, great song.) We could be here all year………..
OK, I was in fact ready for this…lol. It was an act of pure futility to even think of presenting the Beatles and The Stones – I could only lose. But on the other hand, how can you even think about doing a Hall of Fame without them. The songs aren’t mine (for the record), but are taken from prominent sites, which generally consider these songs (subjectively of course) to be the best.
As for the song, it may be ugh!!! as you say (actually I do enjoy listening to it, if only for the banjo (or whatever it may be) in the background), but it has completed my revenge …. (more below)
Hi, Dave:
Sorry AOL is doing it’s thing but it happens, and I only used half a word there.
Happiest of birthdays, Marv!
This was too good not to Google. The Wurzels, Combine Harvester or some such.
Well Hil, you know what they say …. half a word is better than no bread (hmmm, something like that anyway). This song is not only too good not to google, but is also too good not to listen too, and it will also send Sev into bouts of despair rofl…. wtg!!
sorry you had so much trouble sending ML this week
are you kidding {{{{{Dave}}}}}?????
LOL I wonder what my girl Melanie thinks of this fractured parody of her song???? LOL
Combine Harvester
The Wurzels
Happy Birthday Marv
I hope it’s a great one
Ha! So speaketh the man that forced me to listen to RAP not too long ago ….. And you profess to being the Evil Taskmaster? You have absolutely no idea …. roflmao. My revenge is now complete my friend!!!! Listen to the Wurzels and despair 🙂
lol! I got a brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the key has SEV heard this? Melanie Safka must be rolling whenever she hears this one. This be the Wurzels and after hearing it, the lyrics are funnier in this version 🙂
ps I got 3 of your emails 1 from Hil for you and 2 from you (at last count that is) I go backwards newest to oldest
Certainly hope so Shar 🙂 This is all part of my revenge on the man for forcing me to listen to RAP not too long ago
About the mails: Ah well, better 3 than none… I had a good idea that the mails that bounced may have been AOL, but how could I be sure? Sorry to anyone else who got three
That’s from “Combine Harvester” by the Wurzels. It is a parody of a song written by Melanie that appears on her 1971 album, “Brand New Key”. It is famous for its chorus about rollerskates.
— Phiz
The Wurzels – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brand New Key – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
12/06/1976 – 2 weeks at #1 – 13 weeks on chart
I drove my tractor through your haystack last night
(ooh aah ooh aah)
I threw me pitchfork at your dog to keep quiet
(ooh aah ooh aah)
Now something’s telling me
That you’m avoiding me
Come on now darling you’ve got something I need
Cuz I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
Come on now let’s get together
In perfect harmony
I got twenty acres
An’ you got forty-three
Now I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
She made I laugh ha ha
I’ll stick by you, I’ll give you all that you need
We’ll ‘ave twins and triplets
I’m a man built for speed
And you know I’ll love you darlin’
So give me your hand
But what I want the most
Is all they acres of land
Cuz I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
Come on now let’s get together
In perfect harmony
I got twenty acres
An’ you got forty-three
Now I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
Ooaah she’s a lovely bit of stuff an’ all
For seven long years I’ve been alone in this place
Eat, sleep, in the kitchen, it’s a proper disgrace
Now if I cleaned it up would you change your mind
I’ll give up drinking scrumpy and that lager and lime
Cuz I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
Come on now let’s get together
In perfect harmony
I got twenty acres
An’ you got forty-three
Now I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
Who loves ya baby ha
Weren’t we a grand couple at that last wurzel dance
I wore brand new gaters and me cordouroy pants
In your new Sunday dress with your perfume smelling grand
We had our photos took and us holding hands
Now I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
Now that we’me both past our fifties I think that you and me
Should stop this galavanting and will you marry me
Coz I got a brand new combine harvester
An’ I’ll give you the key
Aahh yu’re a fine looking woman and I can’t wait to get me ‘ands on your land
or Combine Harvesters as in this case… lol, a toy for a man… Actually, I loved the original from Melanie, but this one is good too 🙂 WTG
The Wurzels – The Combine Harvester
Purely a research job – but I’ll give it a listen!
And the research ios very sound. WTG!!
Combine Harvester (Brand New Key) The Wurzels
That it be (as one would say in the West Country) Mavourneen, that it be….WTG
{{{{{{{Dave}}}}}}}} That would be The Wurzels with Combine Harvester….. I see those harvesters at the county fair every year and the wurzels look like they should be playing at one
The Wurzels – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and no doubt they do Cheryl 🙂 And maybe they will go over to the States one day… but then they should watch out for a mad chap from NJ and his favorite singer running after them and throwing shoes… wtg!
Happy Birthday to Marv!
I must have lived under a
rock, I never heard of this
bunch.. LOL
brilliant Lyle!!! Methinx the old coot should be singing sea shanties though, don’t you think so?
The Wurzels
I drove my tractor through your haystack last night
I threw me pitch fork at your dog to keep quiet
Now something’s telling me that you’ve avoiding me,
Come on now darling,
You got something i need.
‘Cause I got a brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the key
Come on now, let’s get together
In perfect harmony
I got 20 acres and you got 43
Now I got a brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the key.
She might well laugh.
I’ll stick by you and give you all that you need
We’ll have twins and triplets
I’m a man built for speed
And you know I’ll love you darling
So give me your hand
Oh, the thing I want the most is all that acres of land.
For seven long years I’ve been alone in this place
Pigs sleep in the kitchen
It’s a proper disgrace
Now if I cleaned it up, would you change your mind?
I’ll give up drinking Scrumpy
And that lager and lime.
Who loves you baby?
Weren’t we a grand couple at that last Wurzel dance?
I wore brand new gaiters and me corduroy pants
In your new Sunday dress
With your perfume smelling grand
We had our photos taken, us holding hands.
Now I got a brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the key
Now that we’re both past our 50’s I think that you and me should stop
this gallivanting
And will you marry me?
‘Cause I got a brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the key.
Arr, you’re a fine looking woman
And I can’t wait to get me hands on your land.
You’re a fine looking woman.
Nicely done Sharon, thanks for the lyrics… wtg!!!