I have been in the room since 2002 I think. I live in the Elmwood heights section of Dallas. My name is Carolyn. I’m older than sin and I have one daughter, one boyfriend and am happily divorced. I am semi-retired.

My favorite oldies are the Beatles and the British Invasion era. I like the Stones, Elton John, Animals, Moody Blues, The Who, Zombies, Peter and Gordon and Chad and Jeremy. I also liked the Beach Boys and Motown and in the 70s I liked CSNY and the Eagles. Stevie Ray Vaughn and ZZ top used to play at the local roller rink.
I have attended several chatroom parties and have met many roomies, some of whom have become close friends. I have never felt so welcome or laughed so hard or danced my Ass off like I did at HUGYFEST2003 Hmm except for HUGYFEST2004.LOL. I usually go in the room late at night more in the winter than in the summer. One memory I have is that one evening we started putting the word “soap” in song titles, like All you need is soap. I never laughed so hard in my life as I did that night. I like. I love it when TERRILEE holds court. Too funny.
I look forward to TIM’s show on Thursdays and most any event with my roomies. I like sharing music, playing trivia, and talking about the fun we had at the parties. I enjoyed the DIAMOND STYLUS AWARDS.
I have met so many interesting and wonderful people from all over the USA and even Germany in this room. One thing we can all do to try and make the room better is that if you see roomies talking about a roomie in a negative fashion, just don’t get involved. I think that would help.
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