
My name is Kathy AKA ROCKLADY580. I am married and have 3 kids, 2 daughters and a son. I live in Staten Island, New York and live very near to both my Mom and Sister whom I love dearly. I also have 2 brothers and we all grew up in a very chaotic household with an abusive alcoholic father..etc.etc.

As far back as I can remember I have always loved music. When I wasn’t out with my friends I was always in my room listening to records on my turntable. While I enjoy the melodies, it is the lyrics that have always intrigued me the most about a song. I grew up in a little town and the corner Deli used to sell 45’s. It was there that I purchased my 1st 45, Vicki Carr’s, It Must Be Him. The first 2 albums I purchased were The Monkees and TheTurtles. As sappy as it sounds music is the “Soundtrack of My Life”. Almost every song I hear brings me back to a time in my life and the memories are sometimes good and sometimes bad. My biggest regret is not finding a job in the music industry.

In the summer of 2002 I purchased a computer and was kind of intimidated by that world, however my kids became experts and before long my daughter sat me down and showed me AOL and the Chatrooms. I think this was probably April of 2003. I somehow found the Music Oldies room and upon entering I was immediately greeted with hellos and welcomes. I couldn’t believe how nice these people were to me. The 2 people who I will always remember as being extra nice to me were FLWERCHILD (Doreen) and GYPSYSOULDRIFTER. I also remember RVB saying to me that I really knew my music. That comment made me feel so good.

I loved the trivia and the jokes and I got addicted. LOL.This is like a second family to me. I come in the room and I laugh, relax and sometimes cry. I consider some of the roomies “good friends”.

There are some really beautiful hearts in this room and I am so blessed to have found people who love music as much as I.

My favorite moment? Well I don’t remember who said it but we were talking about Mick Jagger being knighted and how pissed off Keith Richards was. Somebody said Keith will be Knighted also “Sir Ossis of the Liver”…. OMG, I laughed so hard I peed in my pants. To this day I smile whenever I think of that.

Views: 4


  1. Jude
    7. September 2019
  2. Sunset Cowboy
    21. September 2019
  3. Elizabeth McGowan
    21. September 2019

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