Many people have the perception that HUGYFEST is the original party that started the whole Oldies room tradition but in truth it was ROCN60’s (Steve) whose party in Southern Califiornia was really the starting point for a lot of what this room is today. In doing my research on HUGYFEST2001 found out that the original idea for HUGY’s annual bash came from when HUGY attended ROC’s annual batch in 1999. Last September I had the privilege of attending Steve’s party in Long Beach and to finally meet this wonderful man and his family who has been so influential in what this room has become. Here is Steve’s story. ~GOHAWKSGO
I’ve been an Oldies chat dude now for over 9 years. I think June of 1996. I started out as SW********660 and quickly found out that putting your real name out there wasn’t the brightest of Ideas. Soon after I got very lucky and found the name ROCN60s. That has also been my license plate since 1990. I started chatting in the original Trivia Room and met wonderful friends and roomies. Soon after I found Music Oldies and made it my home and have been there since. Between the roomies In the Old room and the new room we used to have an annual bash in Chicago hosted by CGALS, of which I was invited, but never had the opportunity to
attend. Something wonderful came from that Idea and that was ROCNBBQ, hosted by my wife and I every Labor Day weekend.
I live in Long Beach, California and have been married 29 years and have 3 children I am retired from the Insurance and Financial Services Industry but am now In a second career as a substitute teacher in middle schools. Besides family and music I am an avid golfer and enjoy working in my yard.

I enjoy all types of music but my passion is early 60s Rock and Roll with special attention to surf sounds. Our band “the Royal Knights” played oldies concerts all over the Long Beach, Orange County area back in high school days. I was recently introduced to Country Western by a good friend and that has sparked a new Interest. I truly enjoy a good chatroom but when AOL decided to expand the maximum from 23 to 35, it kinda took the fun out of it for me. It’s hard for me to keep up with that many names. I really enjoy TIM’s show on Thursday evenings. It usually happens right at our dinner time. One moment I will never forget and one of the funniest nights for me was when we started in on “Blazing Saddles” quotes. A wed wose, how womantic, excuse me while I whip this out to name a few. It lasted a good hour and a half. I laughed so hard I woke up my family from a sound sleep. This room has even had a few chatroom weddings complete with DJ’s gifts, everything…OMG what wonderful memories.

My first memory of HUGYFEST and It was in 2003 that I attended my first was when I flew Into Reading Airport from Pittsburgh. OMG what an experience. It was a 2 engine prop puddle-jumper. I was so close to the pilot I could have been shaking hands with him during the flight. LOL. I was sitting right over the engine and my head was spinning when we finally landed, I was trying to balance myself and head towards the exit when I was greeted with BRUCE, LINETTE, MAMIE, RICH and AIDY. I can’t explain how this wonderful act of friendship made me feel. It’s a KODAK moment that will stay with me forever. Now to be honest that isn’t the end of the story. It was pouring rain and while driving back to HUGY’s (passing Rich’s sheep farm on the way) who do we almost drive Into but LYLELADY66. I must have met half of HUGY’s guests there, all trying to pull Joanne’s car out of the bushes. Thank god we can all laugh about it now OMG. That’s It probably my first and arguably best memory of not only HUGYFEST but of the whole Chatroom experience.
I have made more friends from this Chatroom than I could ever imagine. Most of us have become family in the truest form of the word. We share births and deaths. I don’t believe there is anything we haven’t shared. Without this room I would not have traveled to places like HUGYFEST, Pennsylvania, TEXFEST, Dallas, MSCHOBLUE, Memphis and of course all of you who have reworked your plans to come out to Long Beach for Labor Day. I have had the pleasure of giving the bride away at the Wedding of SLOWHAND90(Rudy) and SHARNDRMS(Sharon) and witnessed the nuptials of good friends JACOFAN(ED) and VAGUEMEMORY(Diana) in Las Vegas. Folks….. It doesn’t get any better than this.
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