
It was the fall of 1999 and I was sitting home bored and decided to enter the Music Oldies chatroom. I didn’t really know what to expect since this was my first experience in a chat room. I remember just sitting there and watching the interactions of the roomies. After a while I decided to join in the conversation. It is a moment that I will never regret.

MJO314 was the first to IM me, RVB442 was the second. I had made 2 new friends in cyberspace……. and I was hooked!! I found myself looking forward to going in the room every night. AIDY was such a sweetie… Always leaving room on her cot for me. What a fantastic group of people!!

By the time the second HUGYFEST came around, I decided to attend and meet all my favorite roomies in person. There are so many moments from that reunion that I hold dear, certainly too many to mention. One of the most memorable moments for me was meeting MJO (MARY JANE). What a surprise…. meeting one of my closest friends in person. Sadly we lost her the following year to an illness, but that picture of meeting her is imbedded in my mind and heart forever.

I think about that HUGYFEST often and remember the faces, the music, the dancing, and the bonding. But the one thing that I will forever remember is that feeling of love, harmony and togetherness that we all felt. A wonderful group brought together through our love of Oldies Music; a group of men and women displaying genuine concern, warmth and love for each other and enjoying each others company! It was a very emotional 4 days for me, meeting, greeting and then leaving my roomies, who were now my family.

A big thanks to (((((((((GOHAWKS))))))))))))) for keeping our memories and love alive. I know that I haven’t been able to go in the room like I used to, but…….as one of my favorite songs says……”Please wait for me….For I shall return!” (Lovers Never say Goodbye…The Flamingos)

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