The band was originally known as Chocolate Hair. They changed their name to the name of a mountain outside of Boulder, Colorado, when they received their first reording contract.
They are best known for two songs, both of which hit the top 10 charts in the United States: the first in the autumn of 1970 (their biggest hit, reaching No. 3 on the Billboard chart, and today’s song slection in 1975 (US No. 9).
Today’s song is notable because it contained a practical joke at the expense of CBS Records, which had just turned them down for a recording contract. The song includes the sound of a touch-tone telephone number being dialed near the beginning and ending of the song. Those numbers were an unlisted phone number at CBS Records and a public number at the White House respectively. In addition, the recording includes snippets of the guitar riff of The Beatles’ “I Feel Fine”, Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition”, and a line of dialogue from Wolfman Jack stating the call sign of a radio station; numerous tracks of this line were cut to match local markets.
And Your Mystery Lyrics were:
We got percentage points and lousy joints, and all the glitter we can use
Photo credit: By Brut Records (eBay itemphoto frontphoto back) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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Sugarloaf – Don’t Call Us was presented by Diana on September 5th 2014.
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SUGARLOAF is a Heavy Prog / Progressive Rock artist from United States. This page includes SUGARLOAF’s : biography, official website, pictures, videos from YouTube, MP3 (free download, stream), related forum topics, news, tour dates and events, live eBay auctions, online shopping sites, detailled reviews and ratings (top albums) and the full discography of albums: studios, live, boxset/compilations, singles/EPs/fan club/promo releases on CD, vinyl / lp or cassette and videos released on Blu-ray, DVD or VHS
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Sugarloaf – Don’t Call Us was presented by Diana on September 5th 2014.
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Green-Eyed Lady one of my favs……………….what about Steve from Nashville (STIG) om your RIP’s? He was a regular in Oldies Room
I know there are lots of Oldies missing on the list. I just added the ones that I had a photo of. I am of course prepared to add more, but as I say, I need pics …