I think I have been around this chatroom since April of 99. I came into the room about 6 months after RED. I would be sitting in the living room watching TV and hear the belly-laughs coming from the other room. Then I would sit besides her and after awhile I would be laughing so hard that my belly would hurt. RED and I then struck a deal as to who would use the computer that day. AIDY used to say that we would arm-wrestle to see who would wind up online LOL. At that point to make sure we didn’t put a strain on the marriage we broke down and bought another computer. The rest is as they say History.
We live across the bay from Tampa in Largo, Florida. Been here 3 years now. We used to live 45 minutes from HUGY’s.
My real name is Bruce but I prefer to be called TORCH. RED gave me that name many years ago.As if you all didn’t know I am married to RED. I have a daughter and 2 sons I have a 8 yr old grandson and his sister has 230 pounds of pappy wrapped around her little finger.LOL. I love Harley’s, old Martin Guitars and RED.

We attended the first 5 HUGYFESTS as it was so close to us. We are trying very hard to find time to get to ROCSBBQ and TEXFEST this year. I used to be in the chatroom from the time I got home till the time I went to sleep. I loved the witty banter going on and laughter is the best medicine for whatever ails you. So many of my memories are also RED’s favorite memories but I do have a few RED didn’t mention. SIXTY’s my “Satin Latin” with her machete and always yellin hump day on Wednesday, DUKE and his endless WAVs and REMO and his cheetos. ECHO always had an answer or a comeback no matter how fast the room was rolling.
I have made some life-long friends in that room and even though we don’t communicate as often as we used to, I know they care and one thing sticks in my memory forever and I know that GOHAWKSGO, Mark can relate to this, All the roomies came to RED’s side to comfort her and be with her when I had my heart episode back in 2000. The out-pour of support was overwhelming. When RED told me of the prayers and kind words I realized just how special this group of people were.
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