Waite, John – Change

johnwaiteToday’s English artist had three top 40 hits with his band, The Babys, then three more top 40 hits with his band, Bad English and then recorded three top 40 hits solo. Today’s song was not a top 40 hit but has been running around in my head for some reason.

It is from a movie that I really liked from 1985 called Vision Quest. It is a coming of age movie starring Matthew Modine about a young high school wrestler facing what many feel to be an impossible to beat opponent. The movie opens with Only The Young by Journey, includes the hits Lunatic Fringe by Red Ryder and Hot Blooded by Foreigner and has a cameo apperance by Madonna singing her hit Crazy For You.

This Holly Knight written song was a staple on that early TV sensation known as MTV. Even though it didn’t hit the Billboard charts, it got lots of play on AOR radio.

Here are your lyrics:

“We always wish for money, we always wish for fame”

John Waite – Change was presented on 17th July 2014 by Mike

photo credit: K. Buckingham via photopin cc

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