I have been here about 4 years now. I was scanning the chatrooms and nothing looked interesting until I came into the Oldies room. People were doing music trivia
and being nice to each other. What a concept! I didn’t say much at first but then started joining in the trivia. When I returned to the room I was surprised that people remembered me. I thought WOW this is cool and I have been addicted ever since.

My name is David. I live in the northern suburbs of Houston and go by Dave in the room. I have been married to my wife Liz for almost 15 years and we have 2 kids ages 12 and almost 2 and yes I am a Bean Counter (accountant).
I love all types of music. Variety is the spice of life. I drive Liz crazy as I switch from station to station on the radio, I love 60s Motown and R&B, late 60s and 70s classic rock. I try to keep with my daughter’s taste in
Angie, Race, Beankounter, Liz music. I have an appreciation
for older music like 50s Rockabilly and Doo Wop and Elvis but I’m not quite as familiar with that since I didn’t grow up with that style.
Liz and I attended the Inaugural TEXFEST in 2004. It was neat to put the faces to all the names and personalities I had seen on the screen for so long. I still can’t believe the number of people who traveled so far to go to TEXFEST. It’s a real tribute to the depth of friendship that the Oldies Roomies have for one another. I usually come in the room after the kids have gone to sleep, about 5 or 6 times a week.
As far as favorite moments I can’t really pin it down to one or two times. There have been so many fun experiences. That’s why I keep coming back. I will relate a fairly recent experience that was hilarious. I had recently had surgery and was on the mend with a sore midsection. When I entered the room everybody was soon talking about my surgery. My sides hurt from laughing so hard and I’m sure we were all almost on the floor. It was a great time. That hysterical evening is something I’ll remember fondly.
I enjoy the Trivium games and the Diamond Stylus Awards were wonderful. I couldn’t believe that I actually got awards–made me feel so good. I enjoy TIM’S Radio show when I have the time to join in. I enjoy the times when we make up new screen names for Holidays. Mine are easily identifiable cause I use the name BEAN in them.
The nights when we are enjoying music trivia and laughing about life–those are the best. It’s what brought me in the room and what keeps me coming back.
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