Diamond Stylus Awards 2002

1. Roomie who is most kind hearted

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Redhed Aidyl3 Suzan Rose
Torch Gohawksgo · Rhythmduke RecordLover69 · Hugybear

2. Roomie who possesses the most musical knowledge

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
BritInvLvr Rosanna · MiGrm · XDac · LyleLady · Redhed Cynamyn · Flowerchild · Cherricat · Revolver
RecordLover69 XSmoker The60sShop

3. Roomie who is quickest to come to another’s defense

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Ldybug · Aidyl3 Yummey Toes LaylaClapton · Edna19751026
RVB Torch XSmoker · JPGR

4. Roomie who you would most like to introduce your favorite act

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Ldybug · Aidyl3 Suitejdybleyes · LyleLady  Dangle Jazz  Edna19751026
DannyKool · Hugybear · Gohawksgo RhythmDuke RVB

5. Roomie for whom you come into the room just because he/she is there

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 Dangle · YummeyToes · Kacey · Jazz · LWhiteDove · LaylaClapton · Redhed · Edna19751026 LucyG · Jovilover1234 · Foxharl · WackiJackiBaby · Blueboid · Sonniebugs · Jansport
RVB Torch RecordLover69 · XSmoker

6. Roomie who is most friendly

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Layla Clapton Aidyl3 Redhed
RecordLover69 RVB Boink

7. Roomie of whom you watch every post so as not to miss what he/she is saying

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 SuzieQ · Redhed · YummeyToes Jazz · Edna19751026 · WackiJackiBaby · Lorianne · KnitttingApril · Dangle · Takpe
RVB Gohawksgo Echobridge · Hugybear

8. Roomie who most shares your taste in music

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Revolver I Luv E77  Kacey SuzieQ · LaylaClapton · LyleLady · Flwerchild · Janssport · Oldeez · BritInvLvr · Blueboid
RecordLover69  RVB lmorris · theFoyles · Yesman · Rockabob Pfmjkdrgn · Sunset Cowboy · Zshott · Souldriver

9. Roomie who is almost always in the room when you come in

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 WackiJackiBaby Edna19751026
Hugybear XSmoker RhythmDuke

10. Roomie who is quickest to answer music trivia

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Cynamyn · BritInvLvr · Ldybug KissMyTiara · LyleLady · MiGrm Aidyl3 · WackJackiBaby
RecordLover69 XSmoker · Chex · MFPing · TJLWalk DanMar · Javelin
Rocn60s BBQ 2004
Rocn60s BBQ 2004

11. Roomie you would want representing the room at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 Redhed SuzanRose · BritInvLvr
Rhythm Duke RecordLover69 Hugybear

12. Roomie you would most want to introduce to your family

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
LWhiteDove · Redhed Jazz · WackiJackiBaby · Aidyl3 Foxharl · Spnnrn · Dangle · Jovilover1234 · Janssport · Mejanbabe
RhythmDuke · RVB · Torch Yurfontsuxamigo · PeteySmoke Recordlover69 · OldiesR4ever · XSmoker · Hugybear

13. Roomie who has the best sense of humor

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 Edna19751026 Terrilee · WackiJackiBaby
RVB Echobridge · Hugybear Javelin · Superbird · Comatoez · Gohawksgo · Discjockee · ZootRockz · Low Riderrr · RickLaMesa

14. Roomie who best eases the tension in the room

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 SuzanRose · Redhed Edna19751026 · LaylaClapton
RVB Hugybear Race2theEnd

15. Roomie who is most deserving of a community award

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Mejanbabe Toolboxkitten Redhed
Hugybear BopperJim Gohawksgo

16. Roomie whose biography you would most like to see on A&E

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 BritInvLvr LuvMyChair · SuzieQ · Revolver
MDN · Hugybear RhythmDuke RecordLover69 · JPGR

17. Roomie who is room’s peace maker

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 Redhed Mejanbabe · LaylaClapton
Gohawksgo RVB RhythmDuke

18. Favorite New Roomie

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
GingerGirl Annie Uhottie · WackiJackiBaby · Takpe
Low Riderrr · BeanKounter RunninonEMPtey · FloydianSlip · Yurfontsuxamigo DikClarkscorpse · Joshdogboy · lmorris · Souldriver

19. King and Queen of the Oldie Room Prom

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 Redhed Dangle
Torch RVB · RhythmDuke · Hugybear XSmoker

20. Roomie you’d induct into the Oldie Room Hall of Fame

Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Aidyl3 Suzanrose · Redhed Laylaclapton
Rhythmduke Hugybear RVB · RecordLover69 · XSmoker

Views: 6


  1. Anonymous
    24. November 2012
  2. Al (Ahe99)
    24. November 2012
    • RickLaMesa
      24. November 2012
  3. Doreen
    2. December 2012
  4. Larry
    10. December 2012
  5. gohawksgo---mark
    27. December 2012
    • Yummeytoes
      10. May 2016
  6. Anonymous
    27. December 2012
  7. Sharon Bates
    3. July 2015

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