
I’m from Cleveland and I started going in the Oldies room in 2000. I am 43 years old and work for the County doing payroll. I’m single (with a new beau), never married, no kids, just a dog-named Elmo. I love all types of music with few exceptions. From Kiss to Dean Martin to Doo-Wop. I’m just all over the place. Right now I am a big fan of Country.

I went to my first HUGYFEST in 2002 but I had the pleasure of meeting about 10 roomies before that at The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame here in Cleveland. I met REDHED, TORCH, JOVILOVER, KISSMYTIARA, MYDOGDOESTRICKS, MEADOWRAT, NANCY and GRTSTSTORY. We all had a great time at dinner and at a brunch before they all headed home. I have never met nicer people from all over and with so many age groups who would come together because of their love of music. I felt so welcomed at HUGYFEST because I had met all these people beforehand and when I walked in many of them knew me. Maybe wearing my KISS T-Shirt gave me away…LOL.

Right now I just come in the room only once in awhile but back then I was a regular. In the beginning I’d laugh so much my sides would hurt! Everyone contributed to the laughter. I remember HUGY and his panty collection.

Another night the room seemed to be toasting RVB442. I think it was a birthday party or something, and everyone had names pertaining to sheep. I think my name that night was EWESENDME. I never laughed so hard as I did that night.

Today TIM’s radio show is a blast even though he doesn’t play KISS!

I have made so many friends that I can’t even put a number on It. Everyone is so wonderful and genuine, you feel welcome no matter what. It’s all about fun and our love of music.

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One Response

  1. RickLaMesa
    19. January 2014

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