I have been in the Oldies room now about 5 years or so. My husband and I had a DJ business for 18 years and when I saw the heading Music Oldies, I thought this is for me. Boy did I get more than I bargained for, I was scared to death to enter a chatroom but there I was. I saw trivia, comments and lots and lots of laughs. The first person I met was AIDY in the famous pink dress, then came SCUBASTEVE (Where is he now?), DUKE and PUPPER and the list goes on and on Then I decided to brave HUGY’s annual meeting of the minds. What a great surprise. There was no Jack the Ripper there, but some of the nicest people I had ever met. A group of voices in the DELROOMIOS I can never forget. BEL’s trivia games on the back porch. A roast pig on a table filled with all sorts of great food. People dancing, singing and a mock yearbook for all of us to keep.
I think the thing that amazes me most is how much the people in this room know about music and oldies. ALLAN and RECORD and COMATOEZ, at times my knowledge looks next to nil. I cherish the times that we have laughed together and so grateful for the times we have been able to extend or be on the receiving end of genuine concerns in times of need. Who woulda thought that you could find that in Cyberspace. Amazing!
For those of you I have had the pleasure of meeting, I thank you for touching my life. For those of you I have not met, funny. I feel as though I have known you forever in my heart. Here is to many more memories to cherish.
Always, Lucille
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