The song tonight was written by one of my favorite New Joisey artists, but I am featuring the version by the band that took this very cleverly written song to # 1 in 1977.. New Jersey and 1977 both are both in honor of Phil, on his Birthday…
I was surprised this song hasn’t been covered yet! Tonights Mystery Band is an English rock band formed by a South African musician for whom the band is named.. The band’s hits include “Davy’s on the Road Again”, and “Runner”. After forming in 1971 and despite a short hiatus in the late 80s/early 90s, the band has continued to perform and tour through the present.
They had a previous incarnation with a very similar name and had a big hit in the 60s under that name. I’ll give credit for any version of the song. The version I am looking for may have a place in the hall of fame for misheard lyrics, btw….
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And go-kart Mozart was checking out the weather chart
photo credit: Marco de Niet via photopin cc
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Manfred Mann’s Earthband – Blinded By The Light was presented by Mary Ruth on September 18th 2014.
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