Rock Follies of ’77 – The Hype

Welcome to another round of Mystery Lyrics with Dave. There are no birthdays or other known auspicious events in Lyricland today, allowing us to go on with the show.

Todays choice is from a 70s British TV series following the ups and downs of a female rock band that were trying to make it big time. The band consisted of three female singers (at times four) played by the delicious Rula Lenska, Julie Covington, who went on to bigger things with her later rendition of “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” (considered by many experts to be the best version of that song – you listening Madonna?) and Charlotte Cornwell. The series was awarded a BAFTA award in 1976.

The songs were written by Andy Mackay of Roxy Music fame and penned by Howard Schumann.

The series was in fact never repeated in the UK, but the memory is kept alive by a fan website and als a Facebook Group

Todays song is from the second series and is googlable. I also have it on the best authority that our very own Sev likes these songs, so time to see what you’ve been missing

Your lyrics today

With so many peddlers All out on the street
We have to get our skates on If we want to compete

The Little Ladies – The Hype, from the soundtrack “Rock Follies of ’77 was presented by Dave on January 12th 2011


Views: 30


  1. Hil
    11. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
      • Hil
        14. January 2011
  2. alan n
    11. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  3. Phiz
    11. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  4. Sev
    12. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
      • Sev again
        15. January 2011
  5. Sev again
    12. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
      • SEV's YouTube Ego
        15. January 2011
  6. Dave
    14. January 2011
  7. Peter
    14. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  8. Cammie
    14. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  9. Lynne
    14. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  10. Amy
    14. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  11. Cheryl
    14. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  12. Lyle
    14. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  13. Scott
    14. January 2011
    • Dave
      14. January 2011
  14. Jannie
    20. March 2012
    • Sunset Cowboy
      20. March 2012

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