Another of the legendary members of the Oldies room is the DUKE. I had the chance to meet DUKE at HUGYFEST2001 and this man is what this room was all about in the early days. He is great person and Legend in the History of the Oldies Room. ~GOHAWKSGO

I’ve been in oldies chat now about 7 years or so. When I first got my computer I scrolled through the listed rooms and picked this one because of my love of music. I live in New Orleans and I will be 65 years old in March. I have been married 47 years to the same beautiful lady and I have 2 daughters and one granddaughter and I’m into home construction. My era of music is the 50s… Doo-Wop, R&B, Country, just about anything from that era.
I have been to 4 chatroom parties, 2 at HUGY’s and 2 at ROC’s. I have met several roomies at those parties. I used to come In the room quite a bit. I started coming in the room because of the music and the trivia and I don’t come In the room as much anymore because at some point there seemed to be less talk and chat about the music. I looked around for a room with more music involvement and settled on the DooWop Cafe on Yahoo. I have become a DJ and do a live Internet Oldies show of Friday evenings over there.
I have had some wonderful times in the Oldies chatroom

and met some very nice people. I would think the hi-lites to me are just meeting so many wonderful people from around the world (the Internet does that for you). A few have become dear friends of mine, even lifetime friendships and the one thing I would like to do is someday get to meet all of them in person.
One of the saddest things is how we have lost some friends In here too. ANNIE8744was a dear friend (We never met in person) and we shared the same interest in music. (The music is always the common bond).
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Duke and me (DANNYKOOL) have remained good friends even after the Oldies Room was “Disolved”… I sincerely hope he joins this Group. I know he will like it !! 🙂
I had the priveledge of meeting Duke at Hugyfest 2001 ……..awesome man and a gentleman hands down
Duke, my oldies mentor, my dear friend. If not for you, I would have missed some of the most special times of my life. Ummm, I know this response is only about 4 years late, but I just ran across this site by accident and oh how the memories came flooding back. The first time you came to roc’s bbq, I really don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life. So sad it all had to end, but it can never be recreated. It was truly my pleasure meeting you and all the other rookies who made it all so very special..
Yummeytoes aka MsCuda340
Duke was always so knowledgeable about the music in the oldies room. On that note ( see what I did there?), there were a lot of people who knew their stuff. Never got to a Hugy’s party or Roc’s but I did meet several people from the chat room. Lylelady, Wheatfield Soul, Redhead and Torch, Hugy, MobilDJ, Brenda (don’t remember her screen name)…so many great people from the room. I miss you guys! ~Tokeitwo (Sharon)