On Thursday evening usually 9pm est. TJBEATLESFAN1 comes on the air with a 2 hour Cyberstation radio program that many of us link up to as Tim plays songs from artists who have been inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. On any given Thursday a group of usually 15 to 25 of us tune in and via the “LEGENDS ROOM” on AOL and for 2 hours we are entertained by Tim in what has become a tradition for many of us. It’s a fun filled 2 hours of music and laughter and one of the key elements of the Oldies Chatroom that keeps the room going strong. Here is Tim’s story. ~GOHAWKSGO
I first wandered into Oldies in December, 2000. I had never used a computer before and I hadn’t the first clue what I was doing. My name is Tim and I am over 40, divorced with 2 beautiful children. I live in northern Connecticut and am the editor-In-Chief of a local newspaper. I am a big fan of Bob Dylan (ducking) and of course The Beatles. I like almost all type and kinds of music, particularly the 60’s and 70’s.
I could spend all day talking about the parties I have attended and the roomies I have met. My first meeting with roomies was actually at BEATLEFEST at the Meadowlands in New Jersey, I think about 15 people from the room were going to attend and I asked GWITHTHEC “How the hell am I going to know who to look for?'” She sent me 3 pictures. First was a picture of her with TORCH, Then she sent me a picture of her with Charlie
(MEADOWRAT) and finally she sent a picture of her with Steve (MADPOET), and I instantly said “Now HIM I will be able to spot!”. Sure enough a friend and I drove the 3 and a half hours to Jersey and in this hotel with well over a 1000 Beatle nuts milling around, I spotted Steve in the lobby from a good 50 yards away. I practically ran up to him and that is when I met Linette and Bruce, Nancy, Michelle (NORWEGIANWOOD, Darlene (REVOLVER), Kelly (ORANGEK). Charlie, Steve, Mike (CARPENTER}, Frank (SUPERBIRD66BBL), TRISHABUG, Dan (RECORDLOVER), Sue (CCR4EVER), Rob (GRTSTSTORY), and I’m blank as to who else was there. I think NICKA was there also but he didn’t go out to eat with the rest of us. I kind of think Michele’s sister was there too.
That whole evening everyone was talking about how wonderful HUGYFEST was, and I was persuaded to go in May 2002, and they were exactly right, It was an entirely different world when I walked down those stairs into HUGY’s Rec room the first time. I was one of the first to arrive that morning and HUGY and BARB were gracious hosts from the get-go, and I remember being amazed as people Started arriving in groups of 2 and 4.. Meeting people like Thelma (LOUISEM), Edna (teh shark), Joanne (LYLE), Mike (MFPING), SUZANROSE, Christy (JOVILOVER, who ignored me the whole time), April (THATREGGAEWOMAN), Rich (RVB), Mamie (DANGLE) and a whole bunch more was incredibly exciting. Unfortunately, that year I had to leave early Sunday morning, so I really didn’t get much of a chance to know everyone, although a tradition was born when Trish rode my back while I shot a game of pool.
The following year was entirely different. I went to Worcester, Massachusetts to a small gathering at Jerry and Jacki’s place, meeting TERRILEE, George (DRKILL), and Lex (ATSTEREO). Then it was back to HUGY’s but this time I got to stay 3 days and had the most incredible time. Trish couldn’t make it, so Mamie stepped in to take her place on my back during pool. In the fall I went to HUGY’s first Halloween bash and then went back to Jerry and Jacki’s for New Years Eve.
HUGY2004 was 3 more wonderful days and in case you are keeping score it was CARRINGTON who rode my back that year. Despite the 4 hour drive from hell from Philadelphia with Donna, Michelle and Trish (Honest the Pocano’s are NOWHERE near a straight line connecting Philly and Reading).
Then I went to Jacki and Jerry’s 4th of July party meeting DANNYKOOL for the first time, among others.
In August 2004 I hosted a Woodstock anniversary party at my home which was attended by a number of roomies and their families including Hugy and Sarah, Christy and her kids, Deanna (SINGDEEDEE) and her kids, Sabrina (KISSMYTIARA) and Rob (MYGOGDOESTRICKS) and there twins, Margy and her husband Bob, Michelle (GL1MMERTWINS), Doreen FLWERCHILD), Paul (NITEMANN), TERRILEE, Jacki and Jerry, CARRINGTON, DANNYKOOL (who came in his beautiful old car), Betsy (IRISHJIGGER) and her husband Bob and the boys and some other friends of mine. All in all we had 42 people here some of who camped out in my backyard (Camp City).
2005 was unbelievable as i got to attend the first-ever TEXFEST. Carolyn (PENNYLANE) and TALLPAUL did a wonderful job getting that organized and I got a chance to meet a whole slew of longtime roomies that can never make it to HUGY’s
Then it was HUGY’s 2005, 3 more days of fun.
In the meantime, I have been lucky enough to have several of the roomies live in the studio with me during my Thursday evening radio show, including Paul and Doreen(many times), Michelle, Margy, Carrie and Eddie and most recently Eric.
Now I look forward to TEXFEST and HUGY’s once again. Who will be the lucky rider this year?
So, to answer the Question, YES ! I have been to an oldies party . LOL.
I very rarely go into the Oldies room anymore; instead my chatroom time is Thursday evening during my radio show.
I can’t single out any particular moment as my favorite however I will be eternally grateful to Danielle (LIONESS) and Susan (GIFMAS), as they were the first 2 people to help me when I didn’t have a clue what the hell I was doing.
Another moment for me was Eric’s comment about the shepherd (and NO, he didn’t mean Rich) and Bill’s classic answer to the Prince trivia Question (Which can’t be repeated here.)

Many people (my ex-wife leaps to mind) scoff and say “Those are Internet people, They aren’t real friends”. In fact I remember being told not to go to any functions because “You only know them from the computer, how do you know they are not murderers?”
I can honestly say that the best friends I have on this planet, almost without exception are people I never knew until existed before I discovered the computer, people that live thousands of miles away, people that in some cases I have only talked to on the phone. If I had to make a list of my top 20 best friends in the world, I guarantee that 15 or so would be current or former roomies. (I will not mention names however as I’m probably in enough trouble having omitted somebody from earlier lists, LOL).
In all honesty, some people treat the Oldies Room as life and death. It is supposed to be fun, an escape from the harsh realities of life we all face. When It becomes fun again, I may come back a bit more often.
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